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30 de novembro de 2009
Dicas para encontrar um agente literário e entrar no mercado Americano
To … From Author Alexandre Santos Lobão E-mail: Site: Book Title and subtitle The Name of the Eagle A five-thousand-year war coming to an end Presentation Five thousand years ago, in one of the thirteen Habirus tribes – which later formed the Hebrew people – two groups start a power dispute. Seeking for a divine orientation, they sacrifice an immaculate white goat to one of their gods, Yahu. The orientation did come, but it was not what they expected, and what started as an unimportant conflict among thousands of others forgotten in History grows into painful scars that echo through time into the next millennia. The last and most terrible of these echoes was the Second World War. On the eve of the American elections in 2012, an old secret is discovered in an old Nazi bunker, where it had been buried since the end of the Second World War. That old secret can revolutionize our understanding of History and the Sacred Writings, and more than that, it may lead the world into a new global war. Largely based on facts, this novel mixes History and fiction, reality and religion in a well-balanced result that involves the reader, thinning the line between the imaginary and the real world. Why this book is unique The page-turner style and a cool hot site (, with curiosities, images and other references that expand the book experience, will have an immediate appeal to most readers… But this book is more than that, with unique features such as: * Structure: Besides its two intercalated plots, with small chapters ending in suspense, a characteristic of most of page-turners, it includes a third narrative, with historical moments that shows how the situation evolves through History, from five thousand years ago to the Second World War. The story told in last chapter of the Historical narrative, towards the end of the book, has a connection with the first chapters of the other two intercalated plots, creating an interesting cyclic effect. * Magical Realism: Different from American page-turners, this book mixes Historical facts with religious facts, with a unique Magical Realism vision, A characteristic of many Latin-America novels. Classification tags Novel, Fiction, page-turner, Thriller Target public Broad range of readers, mainly adults. The book is particularly interesting for readers who like page-turners and books with a strong Historical background, like those by Dan Brown, James Rollins, Michael Crichton and David Gibbins. Pages 320 pages (Brazilian edition) Publishing Status The book is published in Brazil, with a countrywide Brazilian Portuguese contract. Available for publishing in any other countries and languages. The book is written in Brazilian Portuguese, and has four chapters translated to English. Competition Page-turners with a strong Historical background, such as most of the books by Dan Brown, James Rollins, Michael Crichton and David Gibbins. Formats/program types Hardcover, paperback, CD, Audiobook, Unabridged Audio (condensing or rewriting), MP3, Download and available to read on Kindle
12 de novembro de 2009
Carreira internacional para escritores - e "Mistérios em Floripa", de Rodrigo Capella
9 de novembro de 2009
Novo (e Divertido) Acordo Ortográfico
Olá, sabe meu livro Novo (e Divertido) Acordo Ortográfico? Fizemos um vídeo que já disponível no You Tube A Folha OnLine (Folha de S. Paulo) recomendou-o na seção Fovest, uma das mais acessadas por professores e alunos vestibulandos. Faça o mesmo com seus amigos e familiares: recomende-o também. Cole no seu Blog, adicione no seu Orkut ou Facebook, entre outras mídias.
3 de novembro de 2009
Premiação - Conto no Concurso FC do B
Betes! - Alexandre Lobão A necronauta - Alexandre Veloso de abreu Mnemosine - Alícia Azevedo Nano - Anderson Santos A missão - Tom Azevedo Realidade 2.0 - Antonio Velasko Just Watching - Bruno Nogueira A Torre Kireru - Carlos Abreu Linguístrix - cK Maldito Escocês - Dalton Lucas Almeida Sob a terceira orbita - Davi M.Gonzales Fantasma Transplantado - Alliah Sine Wave - Duanne Ribeiro Maunder Minimum – Eduardo de Paula Nascimento A Dimensão dos Espíritos - Felipe Ribas A Segunda Vida de Lance Armstrong - Augusto Guimarães Cemitério Russo - Henry Alfred Bugalho O futuro é o passado - Hugo Vera Simbiose - Jean Canesqui Ah, insensato coração - João Paulo Vaz Faces - Maria Helena Bandeira A estrela da manhã - Nelson Salles Ultimato - Dudu Torres Bóson de Higgs - Sheilla Liz Condenado em Limax IV - Ubiratan Peleteiro Projeto Ária - Leona Volpe A Organização do concurso já se encontra em negociações para a publicação da coletânea com os trabalhos vencedores.Acompanhe as novidades no site oficial do concurso: Concurso Literário FC DO B - Ficção Científica Brasileira "Ajudando a escrever a História da FC Brasileira" Site :